Tuesday 21 November 2017

'Below The Line / Beneath Contempt': Act 1

I've been tinkering around with the piece of text below for ages.  I might be wrong - but it feels like I may have arrived at something resembling a final draft.  I'm still not absolutely sure about its quasi-conventional play structure, and that is one thing which might still change.  However, for now, that does amuse me - and also brings a degree of order to what was, by its very nature, a stream of random, multi-sourced invective, at the start.  It also maintains the sense that this is something which could, in the right circumstances,  conceivably be performed.  Hmmm...

Anyway, what is definitely true, is that this piece was the starting-point for my ongoing 'This S(c)epic Isle' project.  It still seems to encapsulate the essential spirit of the project, not least in its slight tendency towards absurdism.  That, above all, feels like the most appropriate response to our current social/political predicament.
Given that the entire thing is reasonably lengthy, I'll release it in its five separate 'Acts'.  Should I even be letting it out into the world at this stage - and in this form? - I don't really know.  It does feel like I've just been sitting on far too much lately, in what has been a year of relative creative constipation.  You might regard this post (and those which accompany it) as some form of laxative, I suppose.  Whatever - it's done now.


It's probably important to state: the opinions expressed in this piece do or do not necessarily (or unnecessarily) reflect the views of the artist (or indeed - anyone I'd even want to stand next to at the bar).  Also, yes - I have proof-read it.  Grammar and spelling aren't always my strongest suite - but for once, any inconsistencies are not my own.

'Below The Line / Beneath Contempt'

Act 1

Scene 1: 

The British have suddenly discovered the sheer joy of hate and with every day hate more things with ever-greater enthusiasm. Let's see how long we can keep this up

The public debate has already been poisoned. It was poisoned with lies and xenophobia and threats when this whole ghastly process started.

And all this was surmised by a single post on an Internet open forum by some faceless obscure individual?

Fanatics seem to be based online these days. Nothing to worry about.

I thought it was aliens but you could be right.

Keyboards will get a little hot.

I recognise that these are words, but what is the point you are trying to make?

Society is fast becoming a vast collective Twitter spat between two 14-year old keyboard warriors who don't want to lose face over something that is deeply, painfully irrelevant to most of us.

Deluded halfwits always get lots of recommends on comments pages.

Mass stupidity on a gargantuan scale.

That's how fucking miserable this whole charade has become.

Yes, hatred and anger need to be toned down in public discussion. Yes, it would be nice of people could spend a bit more.effort on empathy than judgement.

People read what they want to read -- and the wave of illiberalism sweeping through the comments here really is frightening.

There is no point reasoning with people like this. It is impossible. They do not want to engage in debate, and will actively seek to shutdown discussion through insults and humiliation.

Nasty, vindictive, and pure fantasy.

Hey ho, nowt as strange as folk!

Perhaps investing in a set of good quality 'ear defenders' would do the trick?

In all, I don't not see this working terribly well, tohugh I'll be delighted to be proved wrong.

Scene 2:

There are angry people on both sides, and psychotically angry people at that.

Very well said, respecting other people's views seems difficult to do for this lot.

it's astonishing isn't it, each side's argument is a compelling reason to do the  

They will be roping in everything... newspapers, media, pundits, in an attempt to steam-roller this country into the toilet.

Clean your toilet. Yoy may get the trots!

Their cynicism is breathtaking. And totally unacceptable.

Damn straight!
And the sickos don't even know they are sick.

And this means what?

Gonna get nasty....needs to get nasty......nasty.

ooo.....far right....bring it on....

Little England, on the march!

I want it NOW!!!

Oops... Internet hard man alert!

You are a bunch of mouth-foaming thugs and the public will not stand for your behaviour.

i have had it up to here with these racist xenophobic knuckledragging bigots.

You're right but it basically comes down to the fact that they cannot now been seen to lose face.

You are seriously overreacting.  Insecure, much?

Go ahead. Keep your head in the sand. Just be aware that (in)actions have 

Do you catch glimpses of people following you?

Well if you can't see the bleeding obvious, there's little point explaining it.

Don't be so pathetic.

Believe me you will be held responsible for your actions.

By their fruits shall ye know them.

I think we got the message. We are disgusting and you hate us.  So what?

I can't work out bif you really are the kind of perosn you appear to be...but it might
expalin why you seemed unable to read what I posted.

Oooh, you're funny when you're mad. It's funny how you forget things like 

Don't be an @rse. You know EXACTLY what I'm getting at.

Oh please. You speak for no-one but yourself.

I am sick of all this.

Yes. Take an ice cold shower guys.

Is this cheaper than therapy?

It's difficult to see way out of this ludicrous self-harming.

Why don't you all calm down and find another interest until the New Year

Scene 3:

This is going to be all very shitty isnt it.

One bucket of shit being thrown at another bucket of shit who can tell the difference and who cares.

What a fucking mess.

BS. is something you obviously are familiar with.

I have learned how to avoid the worse diarrhoea before it arrives.

Shit in a tub or shit in a bucket.

Oh look a gilder of turds.

I can't tell whether this is some bizarre attempt at a joke....

it's meant to be satire.

Hush now, the moderators may be listening.

If you can't see the humour when it whacks you round the ear then careful not to let the door whack your arse on the way out.

Your presence here is not obligatory. Off you pop to the pub with your crossword!

Scene 4:

In the end the whole thing is to complex to leave to popularism which is the only we see our government tried up in.

Populism is good because it engages people.
Populism is bad because it imposes binary choices on us, reducing the subtlety that 
is needed to form cohesive societies.

And that's why I think that a period of political and economic instability of the type we are experiencing now is a salutary lesson for all those who thought they had 'nothing to lose'.
For the very good reason that "unorthodox belief or alternative hypothesis" means "fantasy-based bullshit".

This opening of Pandora's box has unleashed an ugly, nasty and corrosive rhetoric fuelled by the right wing press which is being fed directly into the mouths of the populist right. I don't think I have ever feared so much for the future of our county.

You say many baseless things but I'll give you a nine for emotive rhetoric

"This is rhetoric that goes beyond character assassination and rightwing posturing into
something darker and more dangerous. "

What does that even mean? I'm on your side and that sounds ridiculous. If you want to be taken seriously, be credible.

Haha you sod that made me laugh oh god none of this is funny

Do the people claiming the country has gone mad not realise how mad they sound?

Ah, at last a sensible comment amongst so much froth.

Scene 5:

Into power vacuums step the most improbable opportunists.....

In the meantime, we have a rudderless govt careering to disaster with no scrutiny. Terrifying, especially whwn you look abroad to the demogogues eyeing up the vacuum

Vacuum cleaners!

.......from my cold dead hands.

You appear to be a little odd

You sound like a village idiot with that comment, but don't let that put 
you off.

Playing a game that is way beyond your intelligence.

This attitude is exactly why we are at this point in history.

The gleeful hand rubbing, the cackle of schadenfreude.

You reap what you sow. And we are reaping a bitter, angry, hate-fuelled harvest

I don't want to see riots on the streets.  But I'm fascinated to see what happens if they are stupid enough to go ahead.

Dream on. It will be a nightmare.

Yes but it'll be our nightmare

Borderline incitement to violence

And go ahead and riot, I don't know anyone who fears you. Let us know though as we'll need time to buy the popcorn.

I have a theory that the unleashing of chaos is exactly what our inglorious demented leaders desire.

Absolutely. Principles out of the effing window.

Maybe a criminal conspiracy is in the offing?

Could you elaborate? You probably think
this sounds like a clever phrase, but I'd love to hear you explain it.

Its very much like the Roman Republic.
The Patricians whipped up and used the Plebeians to ensure that the Patricians delivered whatever it was that benefitted themselves.
They used the mob.
This is what we see now. Just as it was then and as it is now, the Plebeians do not see that they are being used and indeed do not seem to care.
And dumb down for a decade via education and media to just ensure it
The 1% heard the threats directed at them and said "this will not do, we need the plebs at war with each other, not with us".
And that's where things are going- both here and in the US. I may be paranoid but that's my take on all this bullshit. The media on left and right and their wealthy backers are stirring shit up to provoke civil conflict, if not all out war.

Thankyou for explaing that.

I fear this is all true.

This sort of conspiracy nonsense is why your arguments, quite rightly, are so 
often ignored.

Scene 6:

It's strange how, in politics, like other elite professions (those characterized by power and/or money / social status), almost everything is acceptable to some degree or another - except betraying one of your own.
Above all else, the club.

Some of them seem to revel in the misery they create
Should be there be a psycopath test before being allowed to apply for the job?

Yes these drongos can't be trusted with important decisions

A bankrupt government of nation wreckers staring at the abyss of their own creation...

No one is confronting it. We're all too scared, too apathetic and too irresponsible.

What a useless "contribution".

Do shut up if you've got nothing constructive to add, little person.

burn them burn them all i say stop of a pyre

Scene 7:

People in this country have it so good, they are so lucky, they should be thankful; but instead they are complaining!! whining!! because someone in their country wants to protect the constitution and parliamentary democracy. .

Dear God, you're pompous.

Stop knocking our democatic system and help shape the future. Look to the countries where
there is no democracy and count yourselves lucky.

Bizzarre logic.

Let the idiots and the children have their turn at running things and we'll soon see populism for what it is.

It's easy to make promises and the more outlandish the idea the better it sounds but salon bar common sense politics tend to fall apart very rapidly when it meets the real world.

Ah yes, how the poor and dispossessed whinge, how those without jobs moan, how those without homes complain, those without warmth shiver, how the drowning displace so much water, the hurt rend so much air ...... how those without bang on the doors of those within ...... how thoughtless of them ..... when we're eating

Won't somebody please think of the luncheons!

I'm eating my dinner for god's sake.

So, what's everyone having for tea tonight?


Bloody steak :D

Spam for tea.

Spam sandwiches with lard.

Yep, the spammers are out in full force.

I'd like a sandwich.

I think he's asking for his dinner.

Whereabouts are you ? Let me know and I will send you a few quid to buy yourself some chips and a can of pop. That should cheer you up and get you feeling a bit more perky

And the fish, you forgot about that!

Fish pointer?

Scene 8:

Jesus here was I thinking this was a concise and perceptive analysis of the zeitgeist, albeit without anything resembling a clear solution ( which is the left's obvious problem) but then I read the comments. Fucking hell its like murder out there....where have all these vile thoughts come from?

Cowardlyblackshirtedscumbagland ?

Snappy. Did you think that up?

Begone, with your sesquipedalian ways!

I have a scientific doctorate so have a rough understanding of comolex things. You are qualified as what?

Ok folks, no more entries required in the Insufferably Patronising Git competition. We have a clear winner.

The trouble is for the moment they and their ilk are running the affairs of this cold, remote island...............

Very nice of you to question my critical faculties. My doctorate degree trained my critical thinking skills thank you....

the clear voice of reason. Thank heavens someone is saying this

I am part of an elite, keeping the working class down with my opinions and life choices. So are around half of us, in fact.

The Liberal Elite Knows Best.

Nice of you to approve. Unclear why though. Next time try to elaborate a bit. If you can. Or better yet stfu altogether. And f-off while doing it.

How did the liberal elite acquire the status of elite? And in what sense are they 'liberal'?

Liberal, liberal bla bla liberal bla bla bla....

Here we go again, elites this, elites that.

We are more powerful than you. The elites always win. Accept it maggot.

Just get back on the meds, you'll feel better soon!

Until you do that you may as well put ashtrays on motorbikes.

What are you wittering about?

Scene 9:

May Britain sink in its own mire. What an utterly stupid nation this has become.


... why are the Brits so staggeringly stupid?! ...

heartbreaking, isn't it?

Britain is actually a disgusting country!!

Why talk down your own country?

Isn't it time the British public sought to change this, or is apathy part of the national character?

In this country, we all love Morris Dancing.

Maybe it reveals the British are not morally superior to everyone else, and never 
were. A revelation to some.

Nothing like tarring everyone with the same brush,

So we're saving Morris Dancing?

Dear British. Do you actually listen to yourself? You should!

What a bunch of children we are. An international laughing stock.

I believe you. I suspect there are many people who also believe you.

I'll Scream and scream until I'm sick. It won't make a blind bit of difference.

A childish and (of course) illogical comment.

Scene 10:

Poor old Britain
Decades of horror to come.

Be vigilant, friends !!!

We are headed towards the buffers and implosion of the UK is virtually inevitable. All these ostriches with their heads in the sand are no longer just puzzling; they are suicidal. And the greatest tragedy is that they are determined to take down the rest of us as they drag us over the cliffs into penury.

So the status quo as per usual then.

Or lets just all go to bed and hide under the covers and see what happens...

I've started building the equivalent of an elizabethan-era Priest's Hole behind 
my fireplace.

Have you been to Germany? Sure beats Peterborough.

No I haven't actually. I'd rather visit Bavaria than Peterborough.

It's a shambles a complete & utter shambles these people have not a clue about what they are doing.

What a positive fellow you must be!

Being realistic is the best way to be positive.

It seems project 'brainwash the gullible' has worked.

Spoilt brat who can't get his own way. Diddums.

What a gullible fellow you must be!

What a complete cretin you are. If all you can do is sneer, go play your frucking 

Repeating this kind of unsupported bollocks, ad naseum, doesn't make it any more true you know??

Wow I'd put an ice pack on your head. The fever is clearly having side effects.

More petty, maggot minded sententious slop.

If you don't see a little bit of yourself here why the reaction?

You've missed the point spectacularly.

You've well and truly been fooled.

There's a lot of rough talk around at the moment, please don't take it personally. Hopefully we'll all learn to grow up a bit soon.

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